Challenge Day 161

161. Eco-friendly: Write about going green or an environmental concern you have.

There was a point in raising my kids when we were very eco-friendly. I rode an e-bike to work and a regular bike to accompany the kids from school and to do basic chores around the neighborhood. We were part of a community supported agriculture farm so bought and ate local, organic fruits and vegetables plus we had our own garden full of fresh food to augment the CSA. We composted regularly with the friendly worms that lived happily in our worm bin. We recycled everything we could, back when plastic was accepted as a recyclable product.

These days, my concerns are: How will we keep water in California? How can we move away from fossil fuel? How do we deal with the garbage patch in the middle of the ocean? How do we deal with plastic in the ocean that gets eaten by the fish that gets eaten by us, and how does that ultimately affect our health? I know there are no easy answers to any of these things and I hope that there are some smart people working on it.