Challenge Day 157

157. What Time is It? Write about the time of day it is right now. What are people doing? What do you usually do at this time each day?

At 7pm on a weekend, there are a variety of activities that people could be doing. A young person might be going to the library to start studying for finals or finishing their term paper. A young adult might be going out to dinner with friends or going on a date. Another person might be getting off work and going to the gym to release the stress of the day. A young mother might be filling the bathtub with warm water to clean her wiggly child or reading books to a child to encourage them to sleep. A middle-aged woman might be going to a PTA meeting, hosting a cub scout meeting, or paying bills.

In summer when the sky stays light late into the day, I could go on a hike, be going out with DH or friends, or making dinner for my son so we can watch TV together. In winter, I like crawling into bed early to be cozy and escape into social media or Netflix. Tonight, I’m still working on the final drafts of newsletters and email communications. I’m looking forward to getting cozy.