Challenge Day 156

156. Swish, Buzz, Pop: Create a poem that uses Onomatopoeia.

Nope, no poem here.

In researching onomatopoeia words, I was surprised to find that OMG (Oh my Gawd) is considered is the same class as POW, Splat, and oops. Just this year I learned on TikTok (yes learning things on TikTok is a thing) from an etymology creator that OMG was first used over one hundred years ago by admiral and naval innovator Lord Fisher. In a letter he wrote to Winston Churchill, he pens

“I hear that a new of order of Knighthood is on the tapis – O.M.G. (Oh! My God!)” using the date 9/9/17.

OMG entered my lexicon in the 1980’s with Frank & Moon Zappa’s “Valley Girl.” In college, it became popular to take on a Valley Girl accent, using “Like Totally”, “OMG”, and “Fer Sure” un-ironically. Valley Girl speak is one step away from my native Southern California accent so it was easy for me to slip into the high-pitched affectation.