Challenge Day 152

152. Mind & Body: Write something that would motivate others to workout and exercise.

We are fed a constant stream of images in the media of magazines, TV, movies, and online about how we are supposed to look. We look at these actors and models and often compare ourselves to them but who beside another actor or model can measure up to people who have a team of stylists following them around doing their hair, makeup, and clothing choices? Popular culture shows that thin is in so we decide we can try to be thin too leading us to sign up for gyms, buying products we see online, and subscribing to diets that promise to help us drop pounds. Yesterday’s “the grass is greener” theme works here since we see the thin people and think “oh if I was thin, I would have the fabulous life that actress X has.” Although this isn’t the best reason to lose weight, this is a motivation for some people.