Challenge Day 150

150. Magazine: Randomly flip to a page in a magazine and write using the first few words you see as an opening line.

“At any given moment, there are reasons to hope an reasons to fear.”

Gloria Steinem

As a child, I believed we all wanted the same thing: a clean environment, equality and equity, respect and compassion for others, safety to name a few. I thought we understood and agreed that Nazism was a bad thing. Sadly in the last few years, I’ve found that not everyone wanted these things and this greatly confuses me. A reason to hope for a better future is that there are still some who believe in and actively advocate human rights and a reason to fear is that there is a loud, vocal contingent who are doing everything they can to remove access to education, medical care, and bodily autonomy. I wish all who are oppressed could cooperate because they outnumber the people doing the oppressing…umm this is exactly what oppressors are terrified of.