Challenge Day 15

15. Eavesdropper: Create a poem, short story, or journal entry about a conversation you’ve overheard.

I don’t remember the exact ages my kids were when they were obsessed with Pokemon but one day when they first decided they had to catch ’em all, they sat at the table deep in conversation.

I was doing chores, maybe cooking or cleaning up, walking through the kitchen now and then catching snippets of conversation. I don’t remember the exact conversation but they were having but I would over hear something like:

I don’t know how to find the Squirtle, do you think they hang out with Charmander?

How do we get the Bulbasaur to level up to Ivysaur?

How do you take care of a Metapod?

After twenty minutes, I interrupted and said “I know you’re using word, talking to each other, and having an actual conversation, but I have no idea what the conversation is about or what you’re even saying.

They laughed and told me they were talking about Pokemon. Although I did feel old or left out, the conversation pushed me one more step further away from my kids’ world. I accepted it and moved on.