Challenge Day 147

147. Break the Silence: Record yourself speaking, then write down what you spoke and revise into a short story or poem.

This prompt is just a suggestion…

When I was preparing for the oral portion of the Marriage, Family, & Child Counselor licensing exam (now called Marriage and Family Therapist) an exercise was to write out and record our case presentation. In 1990, this meant using a cassette tape so the first time I tried this, I was shocked to hear how much of a southern California i.e. Valley Girl accent I had. Oh. My. Gawd! My voice inflections made me sound like an air-head and that definitely was not the image I wanted to portray since I was already very young (26) to be taking the test. I had no money for vocal coaching but I did pay attention to my speech patterns and tried very hard to tame the accent each time I practiced. I must have done ok since I passed my exam.