Challenge Day 143

143. Failure: Write about a time you failed at something. Did you try again or give up completely?

Which failure should I talk about? What exactly is a failure, is it just not the success I expected?

Growing up I had dance lessons and my sister had piano lessons of which she hated. I romanticized people playing the piano since I often went to symphonies with a piano soloist or listened to pop music featuring accomplished pianists like Elton John or Billy Joel. I didn’t know how to read music and knew nothing about the piano keys or pedals but I was drawn to the instrument. In college, I hadn’t had enough experiences where I wasn’t successful and thought piano would be a good entree to the musical world so I enrolled in a beginning college piano class where I learned music from the notes up. I practiced every day for an hour for nine months so by the end of my senior year, I could play scales and eek out a song. I was not a natural musician nor did it look like I was going to progress so I gracefully stepped away from the keyboard.

FYI the featured image above is me in front of a Trompe-l’œil painting.