Challenge Day 140

140. Cactus: Write from the viewpoint of a cactus. What’s it like to live in the desert or have a prickly personality?

Amid the Andes in southwest Bolivia is the world’s largest salt flat, the Salar de Uyuni and in the middle of the Salar sits a hilly and rocky outcrop of land named Isla Incahuasi. This island is the top of the remains of an ancient volcano, which was submerged when the area was part of a giant prehistoric lake, roughly 40,000 years ago. The best part is that the Isla is covered with giant cacti!

Son loves cactus and succulents (his profile pic is a cactus) so this was the perfect place to create as story. He had us take a photo of him with every size of cactus with the narrative that Son is a dad of a cactus, with the photos showing him cradling a tiny cactus, patting the head of a toddler cactus, putting his arm around a juvenile, scolding a teen, congratulating college graduate cactus, hugging an adult cactus, showing concern over a wounded cactus, and grieving over a cactus that had died and then one that had been made into a rubbish can. Heartfelt story.