Challenge Day 137

137. Blog-o-sphere: Visit your favorite blog or your feedreader and craft a story, journal entry, or poem based on the latest blog post you read.

Jenny Lawson, author of “Furiously Happy” and “Broken” is my favorite author who is very human. Her stories about mental health are wildly relatable and have helped me more than on occasion. Her most recent blog post is about her daughter going off to college and what her reaction and thoughts are. It’s been seven years since I sent off my baby to college so although the experience is removed from my current mental space, I do remember some of the worries and ponderings about him living away from me. I was fortunate that Son went to UCSB so I could have lunch with him every other week and knew he could come over to me or DH1’s apartment when he needed. I’m glad my kids are adults now!

“In my mind, a degree is basically just a way to show your first employer that you have the ability to finish a long-term project while making terrible mistakes and new friends.”

Jenny Lawson