Challenge Day 13

13. The Letter: Write a poem or story using words from a famous letter or inspired by a letter someone sent you.

The old art of letter writing has been discarded by the wayside. I once was an avid letter writer but I too have succumbed to the world of electronic communication.

My first memories of letters are from my father writing when he was away. I received a birch bark message i.e. a letter written on birch bark and a note with pussy willows glued on it with the furry buds make to look like cats. I still have these keepsakes.

I wrote thank you letters for all birthday and Christmas gifts without fail.

At girl scout camp I met many girls who then became pen pals. I liked the idea of pen pals because of my daily reading of the Peanuts comic strip. When a letter would come in the mail, it was a present just for me. In junior high, writing letters was what I did when I couldn’t sleep, which was all of the time.

When I lived in Saipan, I missed family and friends plus I was excited by my adventures and wanted to share everything so I wrote letters daily to anyone who I thought would reply. I loved getting letters back because that was my only connection to everyone.

When email appeared in my life, letter writing waned. I only send cards and infrequently at that. Whenever I want to connect to communicate with friends or family, I email or text. I don’t get cards or letters in the mail either and when I do, I’m childlike in my glee.

This blog is like a letter I’m writing to anyone.

My mom kept all of my letters and notes through my entire life. My heart is full yet it hurts knowing these exist.