Challenge Day 120

120. My Point of View: Write in the first person point of view.

I watched a TikTok that pointed out that the vertical structure that is part of the Bolte Bridge was purely decoration and did not actually connect to the bridge at all. This sounded strange so I went on a quest to see this for myself. My first attempt was to walk the jetty that appeared to run straight out to the vertical towers (I’m not sure what to call the concrete vertical structure so I’m going to call it a tower) but the last bit of the jetty was fenced off so I couldn’t confirm that the tower was not connected to the bridge. After a few weeks of staring at the bridge, I wondered if I would have better luck walking the right-hand side of the dockland harbor because there was a little patch of green I could see that could possibly be under the bridge. Sure enough, the green patch was a park where I could walk under the bridge and could then see both sides of the bridge and could indeed confirm that the towers in no way touch the bridge. It’s a weird design choice in my opinion but I do like the the bridge and tower lit up at night.