Challenge Day 109

109. Carnival: Write a poem or story or journal entry inspired by a carnival or street fair.

Carnivals or street fairs look like they will be more fun than they actually are. I remember the church carnivals while growing up and I was filled with great anticipation of what I would eat, the rides I would have fun on, the games I would play, and the friends I would walk around with. I think TV, movies, and books portray carnivals as a cool and exciting place and I was still in the fantasy where I thought media reflected real life. Reality crashed with fantasy when there weren’t many people there (or at least no age-appropriate people) and when money was budgeted so I could go on 3 lame rides or 1 good ride. Although there was only money for one food item and 2 games, I covered my disappointment with the experience with the goldfish I won at the game. I know I shouldn’t be petty because at least I got to go to a carnival and do some things, it just didn’t live up to expectations.