Challenge Day 107

107. Collection: Write about collecting something, such as salt shakers, sea shells, or stamps.

I have collected way too much in my life. When I was young, I kept school items like art projects I made for my mom, my report cards, my performance programs, photos, and way too many books and toys. I thought I would share these things with my kids when I had them but failed to share most of those items with my own kids as they grew up. I did share books and some toys but then packed them away when the aged out of them. I kept most things girl scouts including my book, badges, awards, and more photos. I kept many things dance and cheer leading related including trophies and uniforms. I kept my jewelry – all sentimental, nothing of value. I have sorority memorabilia, college papers, grad school thesis, and MFT exam detritus. I have Saipan memorabilia, a box of my first wedding, and of my baby girl who died. There are boxes of my kid’s blankets, art work, report cards, and scout achievements. I have boxes of my mom’s stuff. I have too much stuff and too many memories.

All of these things live in my basement and while I’m in Australia, I can think about brutally getting rid of everything. Getting rid of things has been a long process and I spend way too much time thinking about it. The reality is that no one is going to care if I get rid of anything. These are things that are only nostalgic to me and no one will even notice if I lit the whole lot on fire. I had this idea that my kids would care but realistically they don’t so I need to get over it. When I’m away from the house, I’m resolute about purging the basement contents but when I’m opening a box, I think: ok so what am I going to do with xyz, just throw it away or would someone want it? if someone wanted it, how do I find them? And then I get mired in those details, get frustrated, give up, and the box remains filled in the dark recesses of the room. In need to bring the determination and brutality I feel now into the basement and get rid of all I’ve collected.