Challenge Day 106

106. Spellbinding: Write a magic spell.

I wasn’t sure what to make of this one so I googled “write a magic spell” and was served 39 million sites so I clicked on the first one from WikiHow.

1. State your intention. Decide on the result you want to accomplish with the spell.
When I quit, my time will be filled with enriching and stimulating experiences with friends and family.

2. Time your spell.
During a full moon. The July full moon is the same date I go to Africa for my birthday safari.

3. Work with the seasons.
July is when when I quit.

4. Gather your tools.
A coffee cup, a wine glass, a computer, a telephone

5. Understand magic.
The energy needed for this spell is expansive, renewable, and playful.

6. Write your spoken words.
On the full moon of July, I gather the tools for success of cup, glass, and communication devices, and ask for enriching and stimulating experiences with friends and family. I ask for the energy of this future to be expansive, renewable, and playful.

7. Remember Laws and Morals.
Experience ebbs and flows so I have to accept that not all days will be 100% filled and fabulous.

Firefly prompt: brunette woman, wine bottle, coffee cup, computer, phone sitting in forest under a full moon