1. Outside the Window: What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?
The weather has been crazy in the past few days with spectacular sunrises, dense clouds, and a deluge of rain. This is Santa Barbara in all its winter glory and I am loving all of it.
The day after xmas, we hiked at 6am in the most sublime glow. Although the sun had not risen, there were few clouds thus allowing the peachy pink to light up Arlington Peak. All plants and the trail were bathed in the lovely color. The air was strangely warm and I discarded my hoodie immediately on the hike. The warm air and the gentle color made me giddy.
Rain was forecast on the 27th so we tried to get in a hike before it started. The sky was layered in gray and highlighted with sunrise colors. Although it was cooler and darker, it was also moodier and just different from the day before.

I love how a view changes from day to day. I’m privileged to experience the range of beauty.
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