
Rather than just watching entertainment, I got to participate in the entertainment industry the day before the Golden Globes. Celebrity Candie is a company that provides escorts for celebrities during their gift bag pick up. Celebrity Connected is the company that hosts the event where vendors give their wares to the celebrities. The idea is for the vendors to get a picture of the celebrity with their product. Good for marketing: hey look who likes our product?!

How it worked was when a celeb showed up at the Anduz Hotel on Sunset Blvd, an escort would be assigned to them. I introduced myself and received their name placard with their name and what roles they’ve played. Then I took them from vendor to vendor, announcing their arrival at each table. Some vendors ran out of swag which was disappointing to some of the celebs who came later in the day. I was exhausted at the end of the day but it was great fun.

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