Hi Barbie! You’re invited to my 61st birthday party! July 30 | 5pm 6895 Sabado Tarde Rd, Isla Vista Leave your Ken at home! No gifts please.
Hi Barbie! You’re invited to my 61st birthday party! July 30 | 5pm 6895 Sabado Tarde Rd, Isla Vista Leave your Ken at home! No gifts please.
Hearkening back to last year’s writing challenge about a “turning point,” I want to revisit: The depression that rooted in the pandemic, lifted 3+ years later on my 60th birthday while in Tanzania, Africa. Although there were many steps along the way that contributed to the lifting of my depression e.g. medication, time away from
Taylor Swift cured my depression Read More »
Why did I cut my hair? When my brother showed up for lunch, I asked if he brought his clippers and he rolled his eyes and said yes. He was hesitant I think because he thought I’d be mad afterwards. My sister cut the pony tail and then brother started buzzing. Apparently my hair has
Friends for 39 years and partners for 7 years. Although we are still both of those, we are now married. October 26, 2022. photo credit: Chelsea Lyon-Hayden. I wore my mom’s wedding dress from1954. If you want to see 100+ more photos: https://wedding.chapter3fun.com/
At the Canyon Roadhouse, close to the Fish River Canyon in southern Namibia, the woman’s bathroom sports a giant mural of a gorgeous man. A box nailed to the wall over his genitals, labeled Tjongololo’s Box, had a little door with a handle a note that warned that no one should ever open the box.