2023 Writer’s Challenge

Challenge Day 110

110. Country Mouse: Write about someone who grew up in the country visiting the city for the first time. Although Riverside isn’t exactly the country, it was quite the culture shock when I moved to downtown San Jose at the age of 22. I grew up in a working class neighborhood but always had to […]

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Challenge Day 109

109. Carnival: Write a poem or story or journal entry inspired by a carnival or street fair. Carnivals or street fairs look like they will be more fun than they actually are. I remember the church carnivals while growing up and I was filled with great anticipation of what I would eat, the rides I would

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Challenge Day 108

108. Taking Chances: Everyone takes a risk at some point in their life. Write about a time when you took a chance and what the result was. To become a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the 1980s-90s, (once upon a time it was called Marriage, Family, and Child Counselor) after you got your MS

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Challenge Day 107

107. Collection: Write about collecting something, such as salt shakers, sea shells, or stamps. I have collected way too much in my life. When I was young, I kept school items like art projects I made for my mom, my report cards, my performance programs, photos, and way too many books and toys. I thought

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Challenge Day 106

106. Spellbinding: Write a magic spell. I wasn’t sure what to make of this one so I googled “write a magic spell” and was served 39 million sites so I clicked on the first one from WikiHow. 1. State your intention. Decide on the result you want to accomplish with the spell.When I quit, my

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