2023 Writer’s Challenge

Challenge Day 285

285. Repeat: Write about a time when you’ve had to repeat yourself or a time when it felt like no one was listening. When I was seventeen, I hit my head in a fall and suffered a concussion. At nineteen, I noticed that I had problems decoding words. My BF would say something and I’d repeat […]

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Challenge Day 284

284. Making a Choice: Write about a time when you had to make a difficult choice. Once upon a time, I was a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. This destination had been a long, difficult, and expensive process so the thought of walking away from this profession was fraught with anxiety. After my second kid

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Challenge Day 283

283. Brick Wall: Write a poem that is about a brick wall – whether literal or figurative. Counting is a brick, the very basis of many concepts like math, measuring and, weighingLetters are a brick, a foundation for reading and writingSymbols are bricks for maps, shapes, and drawingColors are bricks for expressing, appreciating, and creating

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Challenge Day 282

282. Promise to Yourself: Write about a promise you want to make to yourself and keep. I am very good at hiding my feelings and problems and although this has served me positively at times throughout my life, this has also bitten me in the ass. In managing my life, I need to be less

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Challenge Day 281

281. On the Farm: Write about being in a country or rural setting. During the 2021 Melbourne lock down, the restrictions lessened so we could travel more than 25km from our home. I needed to get out of the city and into nature because I’d fallen into despair. One air bnb reservation later, we were on

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