Casual Vacancy

casualvacancyI didn’t have high expectations for JK Rowling’s Casual Vacancy so I was pleasantly surprised to be sucked into the characters and story.

I listen to Mugglecast podcast where the podcasters talked about and reviewed the book over several episodes. They are 20-somethings who love the HP series (hence Mugglecast) and support Rowling’s literary efforts. They were not terribly kind to their reviews of Casual Vacancy with some podcasters not even finishing the book. Some of their complaints were that the story seemed to be about the Dursley’s (HP’s simple and mean-spirited relatives), that the story was boring, that there were too many characters to keep track of.

Yes, by page 75, there were a couple dozen characters introduced but this was a springboard for individual stories as well as relationship stories. This is a FICTION book, no wizards or magic, but the story could happen – in that sense it was too “real.”

The story is about a small town in England where one of the town council members dies and has to be replaced. After 3 people come forward to be voted upon by the town, the rumors, backstabbing and nastiness begins. Race, religion, social status are all topics that move the story along within the relationships that include affairs, obsessions and betrayal.

Contrary to the mugglecasters, I liked the book. But I’m an adult who reads a wide variety of fiction and see that Casual Vacancy is a well-crafted tale. Rowling knows how to write, regardless of the genre.

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