Burger Spot

After our volunteer dog-walking on Saturday, Daughter asked if I had time so she could get some driving time in. Shock: one that she would want to get some driving time in, and second that she would want to hang out.

We headed south on the freeway and we ended up in Carpinteria. Daughter asked if we could have lunch. Since I didn’t have $ with me, just coming from walking dogs, I scrounged in the car and came up with lunch money. She needed practice parking so we found a public lot and she pulled in. We walked over to The Burger Spot and Daughter said “hey, this is where the triathlon is held. I remember spending lots of hours here being bored.”

I had heard that the Burger Spot had good hamburgers and since Daughter isn’t vegetarian, she tried one out. That with some guacamole, chips and a soda, it was her A-OK day.

Driving home she meandered through the Santa Barbara foothills, getting the feel for turns, speed and traffic. I constantly had to say “there’s a stop sign, you have to stop.” She just didn’t see those big red octagonal signs! I asked how she needed to learn to notice the signs. She said he needed a meme.

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