Brunch Notes

Brunch starting with real champagne. Champagne Rosé Veuve Clicquot Couture in its packaging of pink is a welcome beginning. The pink is equal to Tiffany blue: the pink is the same quality and experience. It is a superior spirit. Then sugar cube drenched in bitters is dropped into this amazing bubbling elixir. Sweet finish to a delicious gulp.

Pimento cheese. Never heard of it but went down easily.

Then begins the Chardonnay.

Brunch of a whole artichoke (with aioli), avocado, bacon chunks, eggs cooked in the bacon grease, pineapple, honeydew. Sweet, salty, soft and crunchy.

Port. Sweet and thick following the feast. The red clings to the edges of the squat but petite glass.

Filled, taste buds excited, satisfied. I need a nap.

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