Books End of the Year

I did a quick count of the blog postings under books here – 30-something. There were a couple books I read but didn’t write about (e.g. Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman) and there are 3 that I’m reading now. I think I average a book every 10 days. The split was roughly 50-50 between fiction and non-fiction.

I read dead-tree books, e-books and listen to audio books. I consume. There’s a little thrill when I start chapter 1 and begin a new journey. I have relationships with my books. This year I didn’t like short stories since short stories are like starting a new relationship over an over again. Exhausting.

I read 3 books from Ann Patchette, 2 from David Sedaris and 2 from Bill Bryson, the rest were single author books.

I found while looking for a book club. I think of Goodreads like a Facebook for books. I had never been in a book club before so it was fun to talk about what we had read together. Reading is a solitary event so it is nice to have a social component to something I often do.

I look forward to more escapes into the world of books. I wonder where I’ll go next?

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