Blurred Lines

Robin Thicke’s song of the summer, Blurred Lines, is a fun romp. Pulling the tune from Marvin Gaye’s “Got to Give it Up,” and some Prince vocal styling, this song is fun, dance-able and produces a wicked ear-worm.

Then there is the whole reason the song is popular: its video. The main video features Thicke looking very George Michael-ish with beautiful women dancing around him. Hash tagged words flash across the whole screen in an egotistical banner ad.

It is so over-the-top, that it is ripe for parody. The parodies vary in silliness and sexiness: Bill Clinton, muppets, cougars (not the 4-footed cat), Bob Filner, and just a bunch of people making fun of it. And then there’s the topless version that Thicke put out but was banned on YouTube. Plus, Colbert had Thicke perform during his StePhest Colbchella ‘013.

My kids had never heard of it when Sister and I discussed it one day. When the song came on the radio and I pointed it out, Daughter didn’t think it was a catchy as last year’s Call Me Maybe anthem.

So, what rhymes with “hug me?”

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