Blackberry Shortcake

Wandering around Costco, as I do every weekend of my parental life, one of the free food samples was strawberry shortcake. The product to be purchased was the sponge cake cups for the strawberries to sit in. A 16-count container of cakes was more than I wanted in the house since I would proceed to eat all of them. I liked the idea of strawberry shortcake and decided I should just make my own cake-like item for the dish.

I purchased a large container of strawberries and a container of whipped topping. I made the fatal mistake of leaving the strawberries on the counter so before I could prepare the strawberries (cut up, soak in sugar) they were decimated by my kids.

Sigh. At this point I hadn’t made the bisquits yet and had no strawberries so I thought about abandoning dessert all together. But I had whipped topping and what the heck was I going to do with that if I didn’t make dessert?

I made a substitution of blackberries for the strawberries and proceeded with the cake creation. Warm gooey goodness. Good call.

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