Berry delight

I drive up to the house on one of the hottest days in Santa Barbara to find Daughter in the berry patch. This was curious but I figured she was out grazing the ripe fruit. I found her with a colander and she announced she was going to bake a pie. I suggested that the fruit was so good, she should just eat the fruit. Plus baking was going to make the house even hotter. But when she pushed back on my suggestion, I let her be. At least she was interested in something other than a computer and I shouldn’t discourage that!

She took all the pictures and was very engaged in the process. By the time she was ready to roll out the dough, I was already asleep. She ate half the pie and I had it for breakfast.

She posted on FB

From garden to pie in three hours. God yes. I’ll have you know it tastes exactly like magic.”

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