Author name: jade

Public Art

Public art is not street art Street art is graffiti, paint on walls, stealthy, and not sanctioned. Public art is commission and installed. I am impressed with the amount of public art there is in public gardens and on the streets as it was one of the first things I noticed about my Melbourne wanderings. […]

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Melbourne Star

Whee! The Melbourne Star was one of the first things I noticed when we drove from the airport. Our host said she’d never been on it and didn’t think many people did either. I asked many other locals who all said the same thing. The Star never appears as if it’s moving so it would

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Every step taken without rain was considered a win. This was my mantra for our backpacking trip to the southernmost point of continental Australia. We brought backpacking gear with us because BF had visions of us trekking around. This past weekend proved to be the first opportunity to use our gear. BF picks random goals

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I am not much of a sports fan but to truly have an authentic Australian experience, I had to go to a footy match. Footy is not like American football nor international soccer, it looked like a combination of the two. Fans are just as rabid about their team as fans are in the US,

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The word Tasmania evokes something exotic or mystical. BF thinks the name conjures up images of prehistoric exoticism and of being on the edge of the Earth. Growing up, I only knew the name in regard to the devil cartoon. Tasmania was one of two states that I didn’t visit in 1991 so I was

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