Author name: jade


The driver who picked us up at the Bosnia/Montenegro border talked incessantly and although there were some bits of info, she would be a Trump supporter if she lived in the US. The terrain was stunning with rugged peaked mountains all around. We stayed in Kotor old Town which was super cute with a cat […]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Arriving in Sarajevo after the very unpleasant bus ride, we passed stores selling yarn unironically on the way to our accommodation. I was so tried I barely functioned. After a brief nap, we joined the free walking tour. The ink on this city’s history has barely dried. I couldn’t take any photos because all the

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As we approached the Serbia airport, the pilot announced that a lightening strike had shut down the airport so we would be circling at least 45 minutes before we could land. It gave me the opportunity to carefully see the city and surrounding rivers. We landed with our further incident. Driving into the city, the

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Retirement Planning

BF wanted me to retire so I could travel more with him. I started making plans, telling friends, family, and coworkers that I’d leave my job at the end of the year. Then BF not nervous that I’d be bored. Even though I tell him I’m rarely bored because there is so much to do

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The most striking difference between the Maldives and Seychelles was the mountainous terrain. I exhaled relief with the knowledge that I would be hiking, drinking alcohol, and wearing temperature appropriate clothing. Mahe – first stay We spent one night on Mahe to orient ourselves and to have a spot to store our big bag for

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