Author name: jade

Challenge Day 9

Son is coming to visit me in Melbourne next month and when I asked him if there is anything specifically he wanted to see while he was here, he said he wanted to See animals in the wild. I also want to see animals in the wild but one cannot predictably glimpse wild animals because […]

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Challenge Day 8

8. Dream-catcher: Write something inspired by a recent dream you had. Rather than what I have dreamed recently – since I can’t remember dreams these days – I’m more intrigued by what I’m not dreaming about. I’m not having my annoying, recurring, anxiety dreams. I rather like not having pointless dreams. When I was young I

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Challenge Day 7

7. The Rocket-ship: Write about a rocket-ship on its way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away. There are many space themed TV shows. From as early as “Lost in Space,” moving images of trips to the moon or beyond have been present in my life. If we’re talking about rocket-ship fiction,

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Challenge Day 6

6. Eye Contact: Write about two people seeing each other for the first time. I stumble into the warm room, spraying off the water drops clinging to my coat. Brrr, it’s cold outside and the dry space is a relief. The line is long and I glimpse the counter worker focusing on customers and preparing

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Challenge Day 5

5. Food: What’s for breakfast? Dinner? Lunch? DH2 loves to “stock up” on freezer and pantry foods. He forgets what we already have and will buy more of his favorites. While he travels, I attempt to eat through what’s been horded the longest. He also doesn’t believe in expiration dates so I often find items

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