Author name: jade

Challenge Day 160

160. Cliche: Choose a common cliche, then write something that says the same thing but without using the catch phrase. A stitch in time saves nine. If there is a problem, it’s easier to fix it when it’s just discovered rather than waiting because the problem could get bigger and then it takes more time, money, […]

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Challenge Day 159

159: Miss Manners: Use the words “please” and “thank you” in your writing. A: Excuse me? B. May I help you? A. Yes please, I’m looking for a new hat for a Kentucky Derby theme party. B. We have an array of colors and styles back here in this room. A. Oooh, thank you. This is

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Challenge Day 158

158. Party Animal: Have you ever gone to a party you didn’t want to leave? Or do you hate parties? Write about it! “You should come to a party with me on Saturday. Are you free in the afternoon? It’s a dress up, and the theme is fairy tales!” read a text from a GF.

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Challenge Day 157

157. What Time is It? Write about the time of day it is right now. What are people doing? What do you usually do at this time each day? At 7pm on a weekend, there are a variety of activities that people could be doing. A young person might be going to the library to

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Challenge Day 156

156. Swish, Buzz, Pop: Create a poem that uses Onomatopoeia. Nope, no poem here. In researching onomatopoeia words, I was surprised to find that OMG (Oh my Gawd) is considered is the same class as POW, Splat, and oops. Just this year I learned on TikTok (yes learning things on TikTok is a thing) from

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