Author name: jade

Challenge Day 184

184. Chemistry: Choose an element and write a poem or story that uses that word in one of the lines. Neon is greek for “new.” When DH2 got married the first time, their reception was held at the Museum of Neon Light and they were gifted a neon sign that he would talk about on […]

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Challenge Day 182

182. Complain: Write about your complaints about something. I am profoundly disappointed with the supreme justice decision that it is ok to discriminate against a class of citizen. I’m angry that these guys lied to get where they are (oh yes I totally won’t do anything to overturn Roe v Wade) because if they had been truthful,

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Challenge Day 181

181. Discovery: Think of something you’ve recently discovered and use it as inspiration. This week, not only did I learn that a Snow Plant is a parasite, I learned the name of a plant that has eluded a name since 1994 when I moved to Santa Barbara. I started hiking our foothill trails immediately upon

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Challenge Day 180

180. Running: Write about running away from someone or something. Born and raised in the same place is often a dream for some people because they moved around, changed schools, and had to make new friends. I on the other hand wished desperately to move away from fellow classmates and even begged my mom at

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