Author name: jade

Challenge Day 199

199. Hiding Spaces: Write about places you like to hide things at. What was a favorite hiding spot for you as a child playing hide-and-seek? Although I liked playing hide-and-seek as a kid, there were not many kids to play with so I did not get to play very often. We had 6-foot-tall juniper hedges that were […]

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Challenge Day 198

198. Interview: Write based on a recent interview you’ve read or seen on TV or heard on the radio. Sitting in the dentist chair recently, I was offered the opportunity to watch Netflix or Disney Channel. Whaaat? When did this happen? Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather be distracted by TV than the

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Challenge Day 197

197. Pirates: Write about a pirate ship. Because of untreated myesthenia gravis, I wore an eye patch on and off for years with the longest continuous period being three years. Having double vision is exhausting so an eye patch is necessary to drive, read, and do most tasks. Being self-conscious of the eye patch, DH2

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Challenge Day 196

196. Neighborhood: Write about your favorite place in your neighborhood to visit and hang out at. I have had so many neighborhoods in my life, can it really be that I have lived in fourteen different places? Yikes! And to think I lived in the same place where I grew up for 19 years and

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Challenge Day 195

195. Changing Places: Imagine living the day as someone else. What would a day be like for someone who is unhoused with few possessions and not sure when their tummy will be full again? What would a day be like for a young mother with post-partum depression and an emotionally absent partner? What would life

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