Author name: jade

Challenge Day 252

252. Alliteration: Use alliteration in your poem or in a sentence in a story. It is Monday morning and time to receive emails from all WordPress sites that I’ve installed the WordFence Security plugin on. Wordfence sends me an email report for each site separately regarding the activity for After reading the report for each […]

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Switzerland & France

Geneva Warm but overcast. Walked out to water jet and had kebab.Water in hotel tastes sweet.Paddle boat around lake, quick walk through old town. McRaclette.Severe weather warning.Broken chair, UN, botanic garden, science museum, square. Rained on all day.Left cc at sandwich shop, cathedral tower, African museum.CERN. Tram.Very clean city. Basel Train to Basel.Tram to university,

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Challenge Day 250

250. Should, Would, And Could: Write a poem or story using the words should, would, and could. What should I do today? If DH2 didn’t have covid, we would have gone for sunrise, five-mile hike and could have burned many calories after 2 weeks eating cheese in Switzerland. Instead, I was up at 4am, made

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