Author name: jade

Challenge Day 301

301. This Old House: Write about an old house that is abandoned or being renovated. In the late 1970’s, my friends would “break into” the Riverside Mission inn to wander around and marvel at the dilapidated rooms, floors, and walk ways. Back then, the hotel was run-down with many un-housed people living there illegally. Many […]

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Challenge Day 300

300. Battle: Write about an epic battle, whether real, fictional or figurative. I have had several depressive episodes in my life so when the pandemic swept the world, depression slithered its way back. This bout was particularly sticky and I needed language to illustrate my experience to DH2 so he could understand my state. I

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Challenge Day 299

299. Concrete: Write about walking down a sidewalk and what you see and experience. There are no sidewalks in my “neighborhood” and this makes me sad. My previous neighborhood was family oriented with parks and open spaces for the community. The sidewalks were well maintained and there was a strip mall conveniently just a mile

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Challenge Day 298

298. In the Moment: Write about living in the present moment. I was thinking this morning that right now I am the calmest and happiest I have been all year. I have been outside of the country more than at home this year so I am appreciative of my lovely home, cozy bed, and stocked

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Challenge Day 297

297. Phobia: Research some common phobias, choose one, and write about it. Before Saipan, I was afraid of the water because I almost drowned when I was 15, of small spaces because as a child my brother locked me in the closet, and of the dark because of my persistent nightmares. Thankfully, experiences on the island

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