Author name: jade


Companies in Romania sometimes use “Rom” as a prefix to their name e.g. Rompetrol, Romarm, Romtech. Companies in Moldova sometimes use “Mold” as a prefix e.g. Moldsoft, Moldacom, Moldcell. As an English speaker, Mold-anything is disconcerting. Sunday, July 7 The five+ hour bus ride from Reni to Chisinau was hot and progressively crowded. I wasn’t […]

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Saturday, July 6 At the Romanian/Moldovan border, when told we were going to Reni, the border control agent asked incredulously “why?” She accepted “tourist” but punctuated it with a slight eye roll. We started walking the 1.6km through the narrow swath of land of Moldova we had to traverse to get to the Ukrainian border

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Sunday, June 30 Sighisoara The overnight train deposited us in Sighisoara mid- morning in bright sunlight that promised to be very hot later in the day. With no uber, we walked the 1+km, including steep steps, into the fortress city. After a coffee and apple pie, we wandered aimlessly and got a feel for what

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Friday, June 28 Vienna from the train station was not impressive but once we arrived in the old city, the massive structures made a statement. Building after building were similar yet different. I can’t imagine what citizens thought when these were built. Our dinner was a brat from a popular kiosk by the opera house.

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Retired – year one

This year has been wild y’all. I thought at first that I would be quitting in July 2023 because I was going to be going on a safari and traveling with DH2 for his work and our pleasure but I was convinced by a retiring co-worker that it was in my best interest to retire

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