Author name: judyann dutcher

Comics Online

A favorite geek comic is XKCD  – A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. A co-worker and my kids liked it. It’s updated Mon, Wed, and Friday and is very witty. A couple times, I had to have Daughter explain something to me (unix file configuration) and sometimes I have to explain something (relating

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Kindle is my Friend

I’ve had a Kindle since May 2009, one of the first models. I was amazed at how great it was. I had been skeptical at first because I’m a great lover of books and didn’t think I would like digital books. What about the feeling of the book in your hand? What about the heft,

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House Returns

Dr. house returned to My Mondays after a prolonged break over Xmas. And the first scence includes the obligatory blood puke. Ah, it’s back to normal. No Taub, very little Park. Missed Taub, I like his story lines. The “side story” of House and Wilson’s bet was the usual cat and mouse game. When House

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