Author name: judyann dutcher

Dog Walking as Exercise?

On Saturdays, I walk dogs with Daughter for 2 hours at the local dog shelter. We only take out the small dogs which usually means chihuahuas. There are 2-4 dogs per kennel so we take a kennel at a time. Putting the harnesses on the dogs is the main challenge. Why do dogs want to […]

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Book Series Love

I like having a relationship with my book characters. Book series are a natural fit with my desire to learn more about a character and their make-believe world. Maybe this started as a child reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Lion/Witch/Wardrobe, Lord of the Rings. I tend to consume series. Recent worlds I have explored: I

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Potato cubes

I gave Daughter the chore of peeling 3 potatoes. I told her I was making soup and asked her what she wanted in it. She said anything but potatoes. I told her there would indeed be potatoes regardless. So she said if there had to be potatoes, they had to be cut in very small

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Vegan Here

We have been practicing vegans since 2008. The kids have a choice what they eat when they aren’t in the house. We’ve educated them why we do what we do here and if they choose to eat differently with friends or school, that’s ok. Why are we vegan? Here is the short list: Cancer prevention

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