Author name: judyann dutcher

How I tolerate the Superbowl

I am not interested in football. But I am married to someone who watches, so I watch in some manner. I usually prepare food (vegan) and pay attention to the commercials. I like the clever commercials. Last year I discovered that twitter made the game go down easier. By following #Superbowl, I got more entertainment […]

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Kale Crunch

In my CSA share (Community Supported Agriculture), we get SO many greens: kale, chard, collards, bok choy, cabbage, generic mixed Asian greens. How many ways can you prepare greens? I end up putting greens in everything I make from soups to pasta sauce. From my Mollie Katzen “Vegetable Heaven” cookbook, there is a recipe on

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Books I Hear in my Head

I listen to the podcast of “This American Life” and a regular contributor is David Sedaris. He is a master story-teller and tells his stories in his wildly stylized way. He has a rhythm and cadence that is memorable and entertaining. When I read his “When You’re engulfed in Flames”, I found that I couldn’t

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When Food Bites Back

Sometimes the act of preparing food is physically painful! In my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share last summer, I got some wicked hot peppers. I don’t even know the name of them. Not a habanero or jalapeno but something HOT. I wear surgical gloves when I handle hot peppers but even using the gloves, I

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Sunday Comics

I have been reading the Sunday comics since I was ten years old. I had a 5th grade teacher who had us read the newspaper every day. (I didn’t realize until I was an adult that her husband was the editor of the paper.) I didn’t really understand Doonsbury and Watergate but I read it

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