Author name: judyann dutcher

Music Makes You Move

Music and exercise. Ahhh, they go together, don’t they? In the high-impact aerobics days, in the early 80’s, I remember the music to be just pop hits, with no focus on BPM (beats per minute). If it had a good beat, the music was used. Oh, and they were played by LP albums. In the […]

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I make waffles most Saturdays. I make them the same way each time but they come out differently each time. Daughter asks: “did you do something different today to make them this way?” No. Sometimes the waffles stick to the iron, sometimes they split between top and bottom. Why? Same ingredients, I heat up the

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UCSB Reads 2012 chose Moby-Duck: the true story of 28,800 bath toys lost at sea, and of the beachcombers, oceanographers, environmentalists, and fools — including the author — who went in search of them by Donovan Hohn as their pick of the year. I had never participated in a group reading event. There were large

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Live on the Glee Set

I got to watch work done for the filming of Glee. Daughter is in a theater class whose teacher went to school with this Glee episode’s director, Eric Stoltz and executive producer, Dante Di Loreto. So it’s really who you know that gets you all the fun things. This was a theater field trip for

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Rear Window

I stumbled upon “Rear Window” over the weekend. I was stunned all over again by the masterful production. I was 19 the first time I saw this movie. I had a boyfriend who was seriously into Hitchcock. There was a special release of the original reel and he swooned over it. He detailed all these

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