Author name: judyann dutcher

Mother’s Day Hike

Before my kids were born, I hiked every Sunday with DH. I had to stop when I was pregnant with Daughter but within weeks of her birth, we were back on the trail again. When she was 3 months old, as we crossed a creek, we “baptized” her with some creek water. After 6 months, […]

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I love my Kindle. I pre-ordered Charlaine Harris’ Deadlocked, the 12th book in the Sookie Stackhouse Vampire Mystery Series. On 4/30, at 9:45pm PDT, I got an email saying that my Amazon account was billed and that I could download the book. This is “a day early” for me since it was published May 1.

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God in a Chocolate Cake

I was raised Catholic, went evangelical is high school, and became happily agnostic in college. I know this doesn’t win me points with Republicans and the Christian right. Sorry. My brother was a baker for 20+ years and knows how to make awesome goodies. For DH’s birthday, I asked brother to make a cake. I

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