Author name: judyann dutcher

Every Major’s Terrible

XKCD is a favorite shared comic between the kids and me. This Every Major’s Terrible created a flurry of activity. First, we all laughed hysterically over the content. Then Son had to find the original Pirates Of Penzance song so he’d know how the song was supposed to to. He found a youtube video to […]

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Summer of Youth

Another death. I know it happens. People age, get sick, have accidents. With Donna Summer, the Disco Queen passing, it’s another reminder that we are not 16 anymore. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I liked disco. When I was a teen, I played Donna Summer’s Live and More LP repeatedly. I sang along,

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Sesame Oil

When I brought out the sesame oil, Son got very excited. The smell and taste is very yummy. The smell even brought out Brother to see what i was cooking. I was making Sesame Carrots on a Bed of Soft Cabbage from Mollie Katzen’s Vegetable Heaven. I’ve made it every time CSA gives me Napa

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Dorian Gray

I like listening to audiobooks on long drives. I had hard time reading classics so I tend to listen to them instead. Especially late 1800 classics like Moby Dick or Dracula. The language is just different enough that if I read it, I’d get bogged down in the words but if I listen to it,

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Desperate Goodbye

Last night, I watched the last Desperate Housewives of the series. In 2004, I wasn’t sure I wanted to watch something with such a name. It made me seem a bit desperate to watch it. But I was looking for something to watch so I said “what the heck” and started watching it. I didn’t

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