Author name: judyann dutcher

The Road Well Traveled

Living in the same place for fifteen years, when I go out for a bike ride, there are only so many places to ride. All roads have to lead in or out of our neighborhood. Once out there’s only a half dozen good routes, one of which is a grand right turn onto a road […]

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The Good Daughters

The premise of the The Good Daughters by Joyce Maynard is that there are two girls who are born on the same day in the same hospital in a small town to two very different families. This story covers the girls’ lives through their mid-fifties. During their early years, the mother of Girl-A is overly

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Food Art for the Average Kid

Food is a central theme in our home. I spend hours shopping and preparing food that is nutritious and hopefully tasty. My kids have had their hand in food preparation in the various phases of their life. Daughter was very interested in food when she was around 8. She would make dinner, desserts and create

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50 Shades of Twilight

I was not planning on reading 50 Shades of Gray by EL James. I read that it was fan fiction from Twilight and the topic was bondage which I was not interested in. I’m not heavily into fan fiction so I could take or leave this book. But it got SO much publicity! TV, online,

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