Author name: judyann dutcher


My body holds memories. It’s how I remember what I wore to an event 3 years ago or what I was thinking at certain points on a car trip 5 years ago. Time and events time-stamp my body with memories. Death anniversaries wear an especially deep groove in the body-time experience. I find that accidents […]

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Pumpkin Spice

I was reading the newspaper headline from the food section, something about pumpkin spice. Daughter: Pumpkin spice is bacon for girls. After I laughed, I asked where she had heard that and she said it was on Tumblr. It’s the idea that men put bacon on everything & call it cuisine but girls can’t like

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World War Z

This is the year of the Zombie for me. It is the popular choice for horror characters so I’m well within cultural norms. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks is written in Studs Terkel journalism style. Chapters are presented as a series of first-hand interviews from people in

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Beautiful Ruins

Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter was the November book club pick. It has mixed reviews from our group with most of us shrugging and saying “meh.” The fiction revolves around 1962 when Richard Burton impregnates an actress on the set of Cleopatra when he was supposed to be in love with Liz Taylor. The story

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Persimmon love

I didn’t know what a persimmon was while growing up. I remember hearing the word and may have glimpsed one once but it didn’t leave a lasting impression. It had a neutral to negative connotation perhaps just from the lack of knowledge and reference point. After I married, DH brought some persimmons home from a

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