Author name: judyann dutcher

Squash Blossoms

We received these pretty yellow squash blossoms with a recipe to deep fry them. In the spirit of the deep-fried summer which started with the green tomatoes, I jumped in to assembling the course. The recipe called for stuffing the blossom with seasoned cream cheese. Then I did the usual frying ritual: dredge in flour,

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The Longest Lap

I was cleared by the doctor for me to swim and weight lift. He told me to start with only 5 minutes of swimming and 2 lb weights, not to go too fast in increasing my time and weight. It was a sunny and lovely day, the perfect weather for me to venture back to

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Sedaris Family Exposed

Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris is a collection of personal stories focusing on his family of origin. The family is frequently a topic of David’s essays and I admit it’s a bit like overhearing a therapy session: little scandalous, a little delicious. I had read stories about Amy in other

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