Author name: judyann dutcher


While exercising and I am traveling in one direction on a path, how does it happen that I end up 3-abreast with others on the path even when there has been no one on the path for the whole journey up to that point? I don’t understand the physics or coincidence of this convergence of bodies […]

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Ender’s Game

I love sci-fi books. I never read any until my 30s. When I moved to upstate NY, I bored and lonely and started exploring DH’s library. Besides the engineering books that I had no illusion of understanding, I begin perusing the science fiction. Poul Anderson, Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Heinlein. I liked the

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I remember when trolls were just some ugly creature that lived under a bridge (e.g. Billy Goats Gruff) and tried to catch and eat you. But I guess that definition kind of applies to this modern day troll as well. An internet troll posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the

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Politics as Entertainment?

Entertainment The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment. An event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others. Education The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction News has become more entertainment rather than informational. There are so many news shows and whole networks devoted to news that news has changed into

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Hot and Sweet

When there is not enough money to buy Grey Goose vodka, I sigh and buy something not so yummy. With my sour attitude toward my upcoming cocktail, I decided to infuse it with chili peppers. I wouldn’t consider infusing good vodka because, um, why ruin good vodka. But not-so-good vodka? Perfect excuse to throw something

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