Author name: judyann dutcher


Son went to the orthodontist to have new colored bands put around each tooth. He is usually creative in his color choices: alternating green and red for Xmas, orange and black for Halloween, you get the picture. Today he asked for black and white arranged in Fibonacci sequence. You know your son is a geek […]

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Opposite of Fate

The Opposite of Fate: Memories of a Writing Life by Amy Tan is a non-fiction biography that shows how her life and writing shaped eachother. She gives details on her mother’s life in China, her parent’s relationship, the death of her brother and father, living in Switzerland as a teen, her first boyfriend, the murder

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Argo F#*K Yourself

In the wake of Agro winning best drama flick at the Golden Globes last week, and in my quest of seeing Oscar nominated movies, I found it still playing at a local theater. The audience was quite large for a movie that was released October 12, over 3 months ago. Although the synopsis reads A

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Cheryl Strayed

I had the fortune to hear Cheryl Strayed, author of Wild, through UCSB Arts and Lectures. I enjoyed the book and was excited when I saw her in the Winter line up of speakers. Guess I’m a fan girl. Campbell Hall was filled: 80:20 ratio of female to male audience members. Young, pony-tailed, blonde women

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Very Dark Thirty

Kathryn Bigelow’s Zero Dark Thirty chronicles the hunt for Osama Bin Laden from 9/11 until his death in May 2011. With the upcoming Golden Globe and Oscar awards coming up, I decided I’d like to see at least one of the films that was up for best picture. The story focuses on Maya, the CIA

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