Author name: judyann dutcher


Vegan’s have a great restaurant in Santa Barbara. Although Adama has the tag line of vegan comfort food, it should be vegan gourmet food. Previous to its Chapala Street location, it existed as the Chamomile Café in Carpinteria. It now features a glutten-free menu as well as it being vegan. I love the variety of […]

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Margaret Atwood

Sitting in the audience before this lecture, there was Miles Davis music playing over the PA system and the man behind me reeked of aftershave. I was teleported back to 1985 when I listened to Miles Davis on a regular basis, smelled aftershave on boys, and was given The Handmaid’s Tale as a birthday gift. It

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Painfully Camp

Occasionally one needs to see an awful movie just as a point of reference for all the good ones. I had to watch Battleship, the board game inspired movie, because It had Alexander Skarsgård in it It was nominated for multiple Razzie Awards including worst director, worst supporting actress, worst actress, worst screenplay, worst screen

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Island Beneath the Sea

Island Beneath the Sea is the first book of Isabel Allende that I’ve read. Although she is a magical realism author, I failed to see that quality in the book: the topic of racism, sexism and inequality were all too real topics for the story. The story follows Tété, a girl born into slavery in

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On Wednesday, I announced to my kids that Thursday would be the first day of CSA for the year. There was positive murmurings and then Daughter asked enthusiastically if that meant we would start getting kale on a weekly basis. She was very happy when I answered in the affirmative. Then they wanted to know

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