Author name: judyann dutcher

Moonwalking with Einstein

UCSB Reads chose Joshua Foer’s Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything. The book recounts Foer’s yearlong quest to improve his memory resulting in his winning the US Memory Championship. Foer explores the history of memory, how memory is measured, notable people who have good memories. UCSB Reads is a common reading […]

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Food Relationship

We need it, want it, hate it, crave it. Food. Our initial relationship to food starts with our parents and what their generation said to do with us around food. Breastfeeding, formula, organic: all rules that they believed were the best thing for us. As we grow up those parental decisions continue to shape us

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How to Pick a College

Every day, Daughter gets several letters, fliers, and invitations to colleges. She was initially interested in what they had to say until she realized they were stock letters that had little to do with her. She takes her 7 pieces of mail a day and tosses them in a pile while rolling her eyes.

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Oscar 2013 Review

The 2013 Academy Awards are over. Will we remember Seth MacFarlane’s “We Saw your Boobs” routine? Thankfully I did go to see some films this year. Life of Pi got best cinematography, visual effects, musical score and director. Skyfall tied with Zero Dark Thirty for sound editing plus Adele won best original song for Skyfall.

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