Author name: judyann dutcher


I gave Daughter the chores of cleaning 2 toilets but Son was overloaded with homework and I told him to let me know when he was ready for his assignment. Daughter walked through the kitchen with her scrubbing equipment and what I heard Son say was: When did you get assigned chores?” but what he […]

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The Things We Do

  Daughter had a nice senior year schedule: 2 AP classes, 2 fun classes, 1 university class,and theater. She came into my room and announced that she wanted a more challenging workload this year and wanted to take AP Chemistry and drop her badminton class. Huh? At our Stanford campus tour, the admissions counselor pointed

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Although counting is the action of finding the number of elements of a finite set of objects, it is a way for me to mark off time. I used to count steps to and from school (as well as going the exact same way to and fro) and used an 8-count for ballet class. Playing

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Hitchcock Connection

UCSB’s Arts and Lectures Summer Film Series brought us Alfred Hitchcock Nights: Eight Classic Films of Obsession, Mystery and Suspense. The films are shown on Wednesday nights on campus and on Friday nights at the Country Courthouse sunken garden. I was familiar with a couple of the movies that were to be shown but not

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The Night Circus

I needed a little magic in my life. I checked out the audio book of Erin Morgenstern’s The Night Circus and was delighted to hear Jim Dale (of the Harry Potter audio books) as narrator. The Night Circus is the venue where twp men pit their respective protegee against each other to prove whose style

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